School of Computational Sciences, Information and Communication Technology

About School

School of Computational Sciences, Information & Communication Technology was earlier known as School of Computer Sciences and IT. It started functioning with one Department, i.e. Department of CS&IT. Prof. Vikas Pareek served as the founding Dean of the School

Prof. Arun Kumar Bhagat became the Dean when the School was renamed and two more Departments were included in the School. Under his dynamic leadership, the school made significant advances. After Prof. Arun Bhagat joined as a Member of Bihar Public Service Commission, Prof. Vikas Pareek has been made the Dean for another term of three years w.e.f 18.07.2020.

The School has three Departments, viz. Department of CS&IT, Department of Library & Information Science and Department of Media Studies. Currently the school offers B.Tech.(CSE), M.Tech.(CSE) BJMC, MJMC, BLISC, MLISc and MPhil and Ph.D. programmes in different Departments.

The School currently operates from two separate buildings: Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Parisar houses Department of Media Studies and Department of Lib. & Info. Sc. Whereas Department of CS&IT operates from the Chanakya Parisar building.

The School has organized a number of national and international events including workshops, training programmes, seminars and conferences. Faculty members of the School are engaged in research and extension activities and are actively involved in various capacities in the University besides their academic roles.

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