School of Social Sciences

About School

Science is increasingly expected to help in solving complex societal problems in collaboration with individuals. This is particularly pertinent for School of Social Sciences evaluate what kind of challenges occur when science interacts with society and what kind of quality expectations prevail are part of the object they study and whose knowledge is always subject to provisionality. This mission of meeting the world’s great challenges requires not only high technical and scientific creativity, but also a deep understanding of the human complexities—cultural, political, and economic—in which the world's challenges are embedded.

Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar’s School of Social Sciences empower young students, thinkers, and citizens with historical and cultural perspectives, as well as critical thinking, and communication skills—capacities that enable projects rich in meaning and wisdom.

The school established in 2016, is made up of five units and four Centre's of Studies: the Department of Political Science, Sociology, Economics and Social Work. Department of Gandhian & Peace Studies was added in the School 2019.

Four centres were established under the School in 2019 i.e. गांधी शोध केन्द्र (Gandhi Shodh Kendra), वैदेही महिला अध्ययन केन्द्र (Vaidehee Mahila Adhyayan Kendra), प्रवासी अध्ययन केन्द्र (Pravasee Adhyayan Kendra), पण्डित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय शोधपीठ (Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Shodhpeeth)

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Updated on: 25 July 2023 10:30 AM
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