About the Dean, School of Humanities & Languages

Prof. Prasoon Dutta Singh
Prof. Prasoon Dutta Singh

Prof. Prasoon Dutta Singh is a renowned scholar of Sanskrit Language and Literature. Positioned at the post of Professor and Dean, School of Humanities and Languages & Head, Department of Sanskrit, Mahatma Gandhi Central University of Motihari, Bihar. Incessantly involved in the field of Research and Development of Sanskrit Literature and Oriental Studies. Accomplished his primary and secondary education from his native place, he concluded his B.A (Hons), M.A (Sanskrit) Ph.D. and D.Litt. in Sanskrit Literature from BRA Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Prof. Singh has more than fifty research papers to his credit published in reputed National and International research journals predicated on Sanskrit Language and Literature, Vedic Literature, Indian Poetics, Art, Science and Culture. He has authored and edited 12 books in the field of Sanskrit Literature, Indian and western Poetics, Scientific Elements in Sanskrit and Dharmashashtra. Dr. Singh has fortuitously supervised three Ph.D, two M.Phil. scholar and one Post Doctoral under his guidance. Presently five Ph.D. Research scholars are perusing their research work under his supervision. He has magnificently completed 03 UGC sponsored minor research projects, ei Kalidasa ki kritiyo me Prakriti ka Manavikaran, 2009-2010; Valmiki Ramayan me Samajik Nyaya ki Avdharna 2013- 2015; Mahabharatkalik Shiksha vyavastha evam Vartaman Shiksha Pranali: ek Tulnatmak Adhayan 2017-2019. Prof. Singh has also been an unanimously elected member of the Executive Committee of All India Oriental Conference consecutively for 46th, 47th, 48th, 49th and 50th sessions and redeemed the post of Treasurer of 49th session of AIOC at Somnath Sanskrit University, Gujarat. He has coordinated and organized as a convener two International and more than fifteen National Seminars, Conferences and Workshops, funded by UGC, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and other agencies. He has also assiduously participated in sixty National, International and World Conferences, presented research papers and delivered keynote address in academic staff colleges of different universities in India. He has also coordinated a refresher programme in Sanskrit and hindi languages in collaboration with Centre for HRDC, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalayawas, Jabalpur, M.P.

Prof. Singh is the Editor of Drishtikon a UGC- CARE GROUP LISTED, leading research journal. Dr Singh has been appointed as the External Examiner of Sanskrit in 2021 for three consecutive years at the University of Mauritius.

Prof. Singh has also been executing the responsibilities of Campus Director, Gandhi Bhawan, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar. Besides he is fulfilling the role of Coordinator of Bharat Vidya Kendra- a centre of Indian knowledge system and legacy. Dr Singh is performing the duties of the University Coordinator, National Service Scheme at Mahatma Gandhi Central University of Motihari, committed to the cause of social responsibility. He is presently the Chairman and member of more than fifteen Academic and Administrative bodies executing his accountability, ie Chairman of School Board, School of Humanity and Languages, Chairman of Board of Studies, Department. of Sanskrit, MGCUB; Chairman of Department Research Committee, Department. of Sanskrit, MGCUB; Member of Academic Council and Member of Research and Development Cell of Mahatma Gandhi Central University.

Prior to his present designation Prof. Singh had already dedicated his twelve years at Kolhan University, Chaibasa, Jharkhand; executing the Academic and Administrative responsibilities.

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