Latest @ MGCUB
One-Day National Conference on “Discourse on Disability” organized by Cell for Persons with Disabilities, MGCU, Bihar in collaboration with Department of English, MGCU, Bihar, on February 27, 2025 (Thursday).
Result/Successful Completion of Ph.D. Programme (Notification)
Notice Regarding Fee deposition of Semester Fee.
Notice reg. Open PhD Viva-voce of Mr. Pramod Kumar (MGCU2020SNKT6006), Department of Sanskrit.
Second list of provisionally selected candidates for PhD admission in Mass Communication.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD Research Scholar, Mr. Angad Kumar Singh, E/No. MGCU2019EDUC6002 of the Department of Educational Studies.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD Research Scholar, Mr. Ganesh Shukla, E/No. MGCU2019EDUC6003 of the Department of Educational Studies.
List of candidates found suitable and provisionally selected for admission to Ph.D. (Computer Science).
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of Ph.D Research Scholar, Ms. Jyotsna Ranjan, E/No. MGCU2019LISC6002 in the Department of Library and Information Science
List of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D. admission in Mass Communication.
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for Ph.D. Admission in Hindi.
Notice reg. Open Ph.D. viva-voce of Md. Ashraf Ayub, Department of Zoology.
Notice reg. Open Viva-voce of the scholar Shailendra Kumar Pandey, Department of Media Studies.
List of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D. admission in the Department of Library Science.
List of provisionally selected candidates for PhD admission in the Department of Sociology.
List of provisionally selected candidate for PhD Admission in Department of Management Sciences.
List of Provisionally Selected Candidates for PhD Admission in Chemistry.
List of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D. admission in the Department of Sanskrit.
Notice for Interview/Viva-Voce-cum Admission to Ph.D. Programme 2024-25 in the Department of Computer Science and IT.
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D. seminar of research scholars in the Department of Social Work.
List of provisionally selected candidates for the Ph D Admission (2024-25), Department of English..
Invitation regarding Open Viva-Voce of Mr. Ranjay Kumar Patel for Ph.D. (Education) 20th January 2025 at 02.30 PM Onwards.
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Suraj Jaiswal (MGCU2020ENGL6006), Department of English.
List of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D. programme in Social Work.
List of provisionally selected candidates for Ph.D. programme in Gandhian and Peace Studies.
Notice reg. Viva -Voce of Amitabh Gyan Ranjan for the award of Ph.D. in Mathematics.
MGCU Employment Notice dated 16th January 2025 w.r.t. Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in various Teaching Departments of the University.
Notification towards Viva Voce of Kumari Swati ( MGCU2019Biot6001) Department of Biotechnology
Last date extended for sending the abstract [Call for Papers - International Seminar on India's Rising Soft Power: Strategic Dimensions and Global Outreach Organized by Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar on 19-20 March, 2025.]
Notice For Interview-Cum-Counselling for Admission to Ph.D. in Hindi.
Result/Successful Completion of Ph.D. Programme.
Notice reg. Interview-cum Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Botany
List of Selected Candidates for Ph.D (Political Science) Session 2024-25
Counseling-cum-Admission Notice : PhD Programme (Commerce) 2024-25.
Notice Regarding Fee Deposition (Dated 10.01.2025).
Interview cum counselling for admission to Ph.D. Department of Sanskrit.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) Ms. Shweta Mishra (Enrollment No.: MGCU2020DOMS6006),Department of Media Studies
Notification regarding the Presentation-cum-Interaction/Interview for admission to Ph.D. in Education.
Notice For Interview-Cum-Counselling for Admission to Ph.D. in English.
Notification for PhD Screening Cum Interview in the Department of Sociology.
Notice for Interview Viva- voce- cum-Counseling for Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Mathematics.
Notice for Interview -cum Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Biotechnology.
CORRIGENDUM-Notice for Interview Viva- voce- cum-Counseling for Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Chemistry.
Notice for Interview/Viva-Voce-cum Admission to Ph.D. Programme 2024-25 in the Department of Physics.
Notice for Interview Viva- voce- cum-Counseling for Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Chemistry.
Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of First Finance Officer.
Notice for Interview/ Viva- voce- cum-Counseling for Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Social Work.
Notice for Interview/ Viva- voce- cum-Counseling for Admission to Ph.D. Programme, Department of Gandhian &Peace Studies.
Notice for interview-cum-viva voce into Ph.D. Programme (Mass Communication) in the Department of Media Studies.
Notice for Interview/ Viva-voce-cum-Counseling for Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Political Science.
Notice for Interview-cum-Admission to Ph.D. Program in the Department of Zoology.
Interview Notice for Admission into PhD Programme (Commerce).
Notice for Interview for Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Library & Information Science.
Call for Papers - International Seminar on India's Rising Soft Power: Strategic Dimensions and Global Outreach Organized by Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar on 19-20 March, 2025.
Notice for Interview/Viva-voce-cum-Admission to Ph.D. Programme in the Department of Management Sciences.
Notice reg. Pre-PhD Seminar of Ms. Mehar Nasreen[MGCU2019CSIT6003], Department of Computer Science & IT.
Notice reg. Pre-PhD seminar of Ms. Ritika Singh [MGCU2020CSIT6003], Department of Computer Science & IT.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of Mr. Vishesh Mishra (Enrollment No.: MGCU2019ECON6004), Department of Economics.
Final Result of various Non-Teaching Positions [Group - 'B' & 'C'] [Ref. Advt. No. MGCU/R/NT/2023/02 dated 1st December 2023.
Notice for open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD Research Scholar, Ms. Niharika Kumari, E/No.MGCU2020MGMT6004 in the Department of Management Sciences.
List of Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible; Important Information; and Date, Time, & Venue of Selection Committee Meeting for the post of First Registrar.
List of Provisionally Eligible and Not Eligible; Important Information; Date, Time, and Venue of Selection Committee Meeting for the post of Deputy Registrar.
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the School of Social Sciences [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/SoSS/07 dated 14.12.2024]
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the School of Physical Sciences [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/SoPS/06 dated 14.12.2024]
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the School of Life Sciences [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/SoPS/05 dated 14.12.2024]
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the School of Humanities & Languages [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/SoHL/04 dated 14.12.2024]
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the School of Education [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/SoE/03 dated 14.12.2024]
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the School of Computational Sciences, Information and Communication Technology [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/SoCSI&CT/02 dated 14.12.2024]
Advertisement for Recruitment to Teaching Positions under the Pt. MMM School of Commerce & Management Sciences [Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/T/Pt. MMM SoC&MS/01 dated 14.12.2024]
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Krishna Kumar, Department of English.
Notice related to End Semester Examinations (Theory) of UG/PG programmes (Odd Semester).
Notice reg. open Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Upagya Gyaneshwari(MGCU2019BIOT6003), Department of Biotechnology.
Notification/Invitation for Pre-Ph.D. Presentation / Seminar, Department of Educational Studies.
Notice regarding 2nd Convocation.
One-Day National Conference on Recent Advances in Functional Oxides on 12th December 2024.
Date of Convocation Application is extended upto 4th December.
Date of Convocation Application is extended upto 4th December.
Updated Information regarding Degrees to be awarded to the students during the upcoming Second Convocation of the University.
Notice reg. pre Ph.D seminar of Ms. Priyanka Kumari(MGCU2020CMRC6005), Department of Commerce.
Back Paper Result of M. Tech. (CSE), Semester I, II & Revised result of Semester IV (along with degree eligibility chart), Batch: 2022-24.
Result/ Successful Completion of Ph.D. Programme (Ph.D. Notification).
Result/ Successful Completion of Ph.D. Programme (Ph.D. Notification).
Result/ Successful Completion of Ph.D. Programme (Ph.D. Notification).
Student Grievances Invited, Latest by 01/12/2024 on the Master Chart (Second Convocation) Ph.D. Programme.
Student Grievances Invited, Latest by 01/12/2024 on the Master Chart (Second Convocation) UG Programme, B.A.J.M.C & B.Com: Batch:2021-2024, B.L.I.Sc. Batch: 2023-2024 & B.Tech.(CSE), Batch: 2020-24.
Student Grievances Invited, Latest by 01/12/2024 on the Master Chart (Second Convocation) PG Programme, Batch:2021-2023 (Result published after 1st convocation).
Student Grievances Invited, Latest by 01/12/2024 on the Master Chart (Second Convocation) (PG Programme, Batch:2022-2024 & M.L.I.Sc., Batch:2023-24).
Student Grievances Invited, Latest by 01/12/2024 on the Master Chart (Second Convocation) (Backlog Result published after 1st Convocation).
Convocation Application Portal:
Office Order dated 26.11.2024, regarding Extention of last date (upto 01.12.2024) for submission of online application for admission into various Ph.D Programmes of Study for the Academic Year 2024-25.
Information reg. Medal Data (passout students) for second Convocation 2024.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD Research Scholar, Mr. Prasenjit Roy (MGCU2020EDUC6007), Department of Educational Studies.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of Ph.D. Research Scholar, Ms. Suprabha Dey (MGCU2020EDUC6012), Department of Educational Studies.
Information Pertaining to 2nd Convocation of the University.
Notice reg. End-Semester Examinations of Odd Semester (Semester-I, III, V & VII) of various UG/PG Programmes & Back Paper Examination (Semester-I, III, V, & VII).
Notice reg. Second Convocation of the University to be held on 7th December 2024.
Result of the selection committee meeting for CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I
Result of the selection committee meeting for CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I.
Notice reg. Pre- PhD seminar of Ms. Dina Subba, Research Scholar, Department of Library & Information Science.
Notice reg. conduction of End-Semester Examinations of Odd Semester (Semester-I, III, V & VII) of various UG/PG Programmes & Back Paper Examination (Semester-I, III, V, & VII).
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D seminar of research scholars in the Department of Management Sciences.
Notice reg. Pre-submission seminar of Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science.
Notice reg. Open Ph.D. Viva -Voce of Anita Sharma (MGCU2019LISC6001), Department of Library & Information Science.
Cyber Awareness: A Handbook on Basics of Cyber Hygiene for Higher Education Institutions.
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D Seminar of Md. Ashraf Ayub (research scholar), Department of Zoology.
e-Prospectus for admission into various Ph.D. Programmes of Study [Academic Year 2024-25] [Last Date: 25th November 2024 (Monday)
(Click here to apply)
Office Order reg. Closure of the University on the Occasion of Diwali and Chhath Puja.(Dated 28.10.2024)
Notice reg. open Ph.D viva-voce of research scholar Mr. Kumar Deepak Raja, Department of Commerce.
Notice reg. Open Viva-voce of the scholar Ms. Gunjan Sharma, Department of Media Studies.
Result of the selection committee meeting for the appointment of JRF/Project Fellow in UFR-76316.
Advanced pedagogy and classroom delivery enhancement techniques in higher education(November 18-November 22, 2024)
Recruitment of CRS Project Fellow (Junior-I) under UGC-DAE CSR sponsored project (last date extended up to 12.11.2024
(Application proforma for CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I)
Important Information regarding Date, Time and Venue of Skill Test and/or Document Verification for recruitment to various Non-Teaching Positions (Group - 'B' & 'C') [Ref.: Advertisement No. MGCU/R/NT/2023/02 dated 1st December 2023]
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D Seminar of Mr. Sonu Kumar(research scholar), Department of Zoology.
Gandhiwadi Braj Kishore Singh Varshik Puraskar Samman
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D seminar of scholars in the Department of Hindi.
Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of Deputy Registrar [Ref.: Advt. No. MGCU/2024/R/NT/03 dated 11th October 2024]
Notice reg. Open Viva-voce of Ms. RASHMI PRAKASH (MGCU2020DOMS6005), Department of Media Studies.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Remaining Student (UG Prog) Academic Session 2024-25.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (PG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (UG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25.
Notice Regarding Taekwondo Training
Faculty Development Program on "Advanced pedagogy and classroom delivery enhancement techniques in higher education".
ज्ञानाग्रह वार्षिक पत्रिका (विज्ञापन)
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Remaining students (P. G.) Programs, 2024-25.
Notice reg. open Pre-Ph.D. seminar for Ms.Farheen (MGCU2019GNPS6003), Department of Gandhian and peace studies.
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Manish Kumar Gupta(MGCU2020DOMS6003), Department of Media Studies.
Office Order dated 01.10.2024 regarding Programmes & Events on Gandhi Jayanti (02.10.2024) to 8th Foundation Day (03.10.2024).
Notice reg. Chancellor Trophy (Kabaddi) Participation from October 15-20, 2024.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (PG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D. seminar of Kumari Swati on 4th Oct. 24 from 11.00 A.M. onwards at Pt. Raj Kumar Shukla Sabhagar.
Re-advertisement for the Recruitment of CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I under UGC-DAE CSR Project.
[Application Form]
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. seminar of Mr. S R Upadhyay, Department of Library and Information Sciences.
Advertisement for the Recruitment of JRF/Project Fellow in IUAC sponsored Research Project.
(Application form)
Swachhata Hi Seva 2024
Date, Time and Venue of Selection Committee Meeting for the post of Deputy Registrar; and List of Provisionally Eligible & Not Eligible Candidates [Ref.: Advt. No. MGCU/2023/R/NT/01 dated 1st December 2023].
Notice for Counselling-cum-Admission under Self-Financed Seats (SFS) In B.Tech./ Integrated M.Tech (CSE) Programme, Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice for Counselling-cum-Admission against the vacant seats (OBC:01, SC:01, ST:02) In B.Tech./Integrated M.Tech. (CSE) Programme, Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Open Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Jay kumar(MGCU2020ENGL6001), Department of English.
Advertisement for Recruitment to the posts of First Registrar and First Finance Officer.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (PG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25.
List of Provisionally allotted UG students for the Accommodation in Kasturba Gandhi Women's Hostel.
Revised notification for Open Counceling for admission in 4 Year B.Lib.I.Sc.
Business Idea Competition- Innovate 2024 by Department of Management Sciences and Internship Cell of the University.
Notice for on spot counseling cum admission of B.Com (H) with Research 4 year Degree Programme,2024-25.
Notice for “ON SPOT ADMISSION” against vacant seats and supernumerary self finance/paid seats for Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication (Honours with Research) 4-Year Undergraduate Degree Programme for the Academic Session 2024-25.
Open Pre-Phd seminar of Ms. Anita Sharma and Ms. Jyotsna Ranjan, Department of Library and Information Science.
Office Order regarding Open/Spot counselling process for admission in various UG Programmes, MGCU, Academic Session: 2024-25.
Annexure I
Annexure II
Notification for Open Counselling for Admission in 4 Years Bachelor (Honours with Research) in Library and Information Science (B.Lib.I.Sc).
Students admitted to B.Tech./ Integrated M.Tech. in CSE on 03.09.2024.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (PG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25.
Academic Calendar for the UG Programmes Academic Session 2024-25.
National Sports Day celebration on 31st August 2024.
Notice reg. Open Ph.D Viva-voce of Mr. Rohitesh Kumar (MGCU2019DOMS6007), Department of Media Studies.
MGCU Counseling notice for admission to BTech/Integrated MTech programme in CSE for 2024-25.
Provisional allotment List-III-Kasturba Gandhi Women's Hostel, Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice for counseling cum admission( Honors with Research - 4 year) for Academic year 2024-25.
Notice reg. Counselling-cum-admission into BAJMC programme for academic session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Open Ph.D Viva-voce of Mr. Santosh Kumar (MGCU2019CMRC6008), Department of Commerce.
Admission Notification for 4 Year Bachelor of Library and Information Science (2024-25).
Result/ Successful Completion of Ph.D. programme. (Dated 14.08.2024)
Office Order reg. to expel Mr. Akash Kumar, PG Student (First Semester) (Academic Session 2024-25), Department of Media Studies from the University with immediate effect on account of serious indiscipline and recalcitrant dispositions.
Notice reg. Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of 78th Independence Day on 15th August 2024 (Thursday) at Gandhi Bhawan Bankat.(Dated 14.08.2024)
Notice reg. Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of "78th Independence Day" on 15th August 2024 (Thursday) at different Campuses of the University.(Dated14.08.2024)
Notice reg. Extension of Last Date of Registration in U.G. Programmes.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (M. A. Hindi), Academic Session: 2024-25 (Supplementary List II).
Notice for COUNSELLING-CUM-ADMISSION for Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme, Academic session 2024-25.
Advertisement for Engagement of Consultant (Civil Engineering).
Provisional List-II- for the Accommodation in Kasturba Gandhi Women’s Hostel, Academic Session 2024-25.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (PG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25.(Supplementary List-1)
Notice reg. Open Counselling cum-Admission Process in M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics for session 2024-25.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Students (PG Programs), Academic Session: 2024-25.
Notice reg. Open Councelling for admission to MA(English).
Notice regarding Pre-Submission Ph.D. Seminar in the Department of Commerce.
Notice for 3rd Open Counseling- M.Sc (Botany), Department of Botany.
Notice for Open Counseling-3 for Admission in the MA in Education Programme.
Admission Notification (Under Graduate Programmes), Academic Session: 2024-2025.
(Link for CUET UG 2024)
(FAQ & Helpline numbers)
Notice for Open Counseling for the Admission in M.A (Political Science) against Vacant Seats, Session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Open Viva Voce of Sanjeev Kumar (MGCU2019POLS6006), Department of Political Science
Notice: Open Counselling cum-Admission Process in M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics for session 2024-25.
Provisional List for the Accommodation in Kasturba Gandhi Women’s Hostel, Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice for pre-PhD submission seminar in the Department of Media Studies.
Notice for COUNSELLING-CUM-ADMISSION Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme for Academic session 2024-25.
Office order reg. Suspension of Mr Akash Kumar, PG Student (First Semester), Department of Media Studies from the University.
Notice reg. Open Viva Voce of Wakil Kumar Yadav (MGCU2019ENGL6006), Department of English.
Notice for Spot Counselling-Cum-Admission in MSc-Chemistry (Session 2024-25).
Notice reg. Open Counselling cum-Admission in M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics for session 2024-25.
Notice for “ON SPOT ADMISSION” against vacant seats for Master of Business Administration(MBA) Programme for Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice for COUNSELLING-CUM-ADMISSION Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme for Academic session 2024-25.
Notice of Counselling-cum-admission into MBA programme against Supernumerary Self Finance/Paid Seats for academic session 2024-25.
Notice (Dated: 19 July 2024) regarding Current Odd Semester Fee deposition.
Notice for Open Counselling-cum-Admission Process M.Sc. Zoology (Academic Year 2024-25)
Notice for Spot Counselling-cum-Admission in the Department of Physics for M.Sc. Physics Programme on 24-07-2024.
Notice reg. Admission in M.Sc.(Biotechnology).
Notice for 2nd Open Counseling of M.Sc Botany (Department of Botany).
Notice for On-Spot admission against vacant Seats in the Department of Commerce for Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice for On-Spot admission into M.Com programme against Supernumerary Self Finance/Paid Seats for Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice reg. open Ph. D Viva-voce of Mr. Shiv Prasad Pal(MGCU2020SNKT6010), Department of Sanskrit.
Notification regarding conducting Open Ph.D. Viva-voce of scholar Mr. Tarakant Mitra (MGCU2020SNKT6012).
Notification regarding conducting Open Ph.D. Viva-voce of scholar Mr. Rohit (MGCU2020SNKT6008).
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. Seminar in the Department of Educational Studies.
Notice reg. Open Counselling cum-Admission Process in M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics for session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Spot counseling for admission against vacant seats in M.Sc(Biotechnology).
Notice for open Counselling-Cum-Admission in MSc-Chemistry (Session 2024-25).
Notice regarding Ph.D Viva- voce, Department of media Studies.
Notice for Open Counselling-cum-Admission Process M.Sc. Zoology (Academic Year 2024-25)
Notice reg. Extension of Last Date of Submission of Hostel Application form- Kasturba Gandhi Womens' Hostel-MGCU-2024.
Application Form
Notice reg. Documents verification for MBA programme, Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice for Spot Counselling and Document verification against vacant seats M.Sc. Biotechnology.
Notice for Open Counselling in the Department of Physics for M.Sc. Physics Programme.
Academic Calendar for Academic Session 2024-25.
Document Verification and Commencement of Classes of M.Sc (Mathematics), session 2024-26.
Result announced for the post of Project Fellow for IUAC FUNDED PROJECT.
Merit List for 12th round of Counselling:
Notice reg. open PhD Viva Voce of Mr. Gaurav Kumar (MGCU2019SWRK6003).
Notice reg. document verification and course registration for M.Sc. (Biotechnology), Academic Session 2024-25.
Merit List for 11th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
Notice regarding Document Verification- M.Sc (Botany), Session 2024-25.
Merit List for 10th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Notice reg. Extension of Last Date of Submission of Hostel Application (up to 1st July 2024)-Kasturba Gandhi Women's Hostel.
Merit List for 9th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Notice reg. Open Counseling-2 for Admission in the MA in Education Programme.
Notice regarding Open Viva-voce of Mrs. Alokita Vishal (MGCU2019EDUC6001) (pertaining to Ph.D. degree) of the Department of Educational Studies.
Merit List for 8th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Physics)
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
M.Sc. (Zoology)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Merit List for 7th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Physics)
MA (Political Science)
M.Sc (Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Zoology)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Notice for “ON SPOT ADMISSION” against vacant seats for Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme for Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice of Counselling-cum-admission into MBA programme against Supernumerary Self Finance/Paid Seats for academic session 2024-25
NOTICE FOR COUNSELLING-CUM-ADMISSION Master of Business Administration (MBA) Programme for Academic session 2024-25
(Application form)
Second Open Counseling cum Admission in 2 year Integrated Master of Library and Information Science, Academic session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Open Counseling of M.Sc Botany, Session 2024-25.
Merit List for 6th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Botany)
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
MA (Political science)
M.Sc. (Zoology)
Merit List for 5th round of Counselling:
M.Sc. (Botany)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
M.Sc. (Mathematics)
M.Sc. (Chemistry)
M.Sc. (Zoology)
MA (Political science)
M.Sc. (Physics)
Notice reg. Open Councelling Cum Admission in MA (Hindi), Session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D. Seminar of four scholars, Department of Management Sciences.
Notice reg. “ON SPOT ADMISSION” against vacant seats in the Department of Commerce, Academic Session 2024-25.
Notice reg. Open Counselling-cum-Admission for M.A. (English), Session 2024-25.
Notice for Open Counselling-cum-Admission in MA (Public Administration), (Academic Year 2024-25).
Notice for Open/spot Counselling cum Admission in M.A. (Gandhian and Peace Studies), Session 2024-25.
Notice for Open Counselling-cum-Admission in M. A. Sociology, (Academic Year 2024-25).
Notice for Open Counseling for Admission in MA (Education) Programme, Session 2024-25.
Notice for Open Counselling-cum-Admission in Master of Social Work (MSW) (Academic Year 2024-25).
Admission Notice for Open Counselling in M.A. Sanskrit.
Office Order related to Open/Spot counselling process for admission in various PG programmes.
Admission Notice for Open Counselling in M.A. Economics.
Notice for On-Spot Admission in the MAJMC programme in the Department of Media Studies.
Notice for counselling and verification of documents for the MAJMC programme in the Department of Media Studies.
Open Counselling for admission in 2 year Integrated Master of Library and Information Science in Academic Year 2024-25
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Amitabh Gyan Ranjan(MGCU2019MATH6001), Department of Mathematics.
Merit List for 4th round of Counselling:
MA (Economics)
MA (Education)
MA (Sociology)
M. Sc. (Chemistry)
M. Sc. (Zoology)
M. Sc. (Botany)
M. Sc. (Mathematics)
M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
M.Sc. (Physics)
MA (Political Science)
Notice Reg. Open Viva_Voce(Pursuant to Award the Ph.D Degree ) of Mr. Arun Kumar (MGCU2019SWRK6002) & Ms. Muskan Bharti (MGCU2019SWRK6005), Department of Social Work.
Notice reg. open PhD Viva-voce of Ishtiaq Ahmed (MGCU2019ENGL6002), Department of English.
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pursuant to award of the Ph.D. Degree) of Mr. Mohd. Zabir (MGCU2020POLS6005), Department of Political Science.
Merit List for 3rd round of Counselling:
M. Sc. (Botany)
M. Sc. (Chemistry)
M. Sc. (Zoology)
M. Sc. (Biotechnology)
Master of Library & Information Science
M. Sc. (Mathematics)
MA (Education)
MA (Economics)
MA (Political Science)
M. Sc. (Physics)
MA (English)
MA (Sociology)
Notice reg. open Pre- Ph.D. Seminar of Mr. Pramod Kumar(MGCU2020SNKT6006), Department of Sanskrit
Merit List for 2nd round of Counselling:
M. Sc. (Chemistry)
M. Sc. (Biotechnology)
MA (Economics)
MA (Sociology)
MA (English)
M. Sc. (Botany)
MA (Hindi)
M. Sc. (Mathematics)
MA (Sanskrit)
M. Sc.(Zoology)
Master of Library and Information Science
MA (Education)
M.Sc. (Physics)
M. Com
MA (Public Administration)
MA (Political Science)
Re-tender Document regarding Hiring of Vehicles on Monthly/Daily basis
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D. seminar of Abhijit Singh, Rohitash Kumar, and Shailendra Kumar Pandey, Dept. of Media Studies.
Office Order regarding Revised Guidelines and Fee Structure for the Supernumerary Self Finance/Paid Seats.
Merit List for 1st round of Counselling:
MA (English)
M. Sc. (Biotechnology)
M. Sc. (Zoology)
M. Sc. (Botany)
M. Sc. (Chemistry)
M. Sc. (Physics)
MA (Political Science)
MA (Public Administration)
M. Com.
Master of Library and Information Science.
M. Sc. (Mathematics)
M.A. (Gandhian & Peace Studies)
M. A. (Economics)
MA (Education)
MA (Sanskrit)
MA (Hindi)
MA (Sociology)
Corrigendum to Advertisement Date on 17th April 2024 for the post of Project Fellow/JRF
Admission in PG Programmes (Academic Session: 2024-25).
Notice reg. Conduction of End-Semester Examinations of Even Semesters (Semester-II, IV, VI & VIII) of various UG/PG Programmes & Back Paper Examinations (Semester- II, IV, VI & VIII)
Result of interview for the appointment of CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I
Notice reg. open viva-voce (pertaining to Ph.D. degree) of Mr. Manish Kumar (MGCU2019CMRC6004), Department of Commerce.
Notice reg. Extension of Last Date of Registration in P. G. Programmes.
Notice reg. Ph.D. Viva-Voce of Mr. Mukesh Shekhar(MGCU2019PHYS6001), Department of Physics.
Notice Reg Submission of Semester Fee for the Current Even Semester. (Dated 24.04.2024)
Notice reg. open Pre-PhD seminar of Mr. Mohd Zabir (MGCU2020POLSG005), Department of Political science.
Advertisement for the post of Project Fellow under the IUAC funded project (UFR-75325).
Link for Admission in PG Programmes for the Academic Year 2024-25.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and helpline no. related to Admission (Academic Session: 2024-25).
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of Ms. Bhawana Sharma (MGCU2019POLS6004), Department of Political science.
Admission Notification (Post Graduate Programmes), Academic Session: 2024-25.
Recommendation of Research Degree Board, MGCU for Award of Degree of Ph. D.
MGCU Corrigendum No. 1 w.r.t. Advt. No. MGCU/2024/R/NT/01 dated 13.03.2024 for the post of First Finance Officer.
Proctorial Manual and Disciplinary Guidelines for Students of MGCU
Result of Interview for the position of Project Technical Support-III.
Notice reg. Open Viva-voce for the award of PhD degree of Mr. Baikunth Kumar yadav(MGCU2019ZOOL6002), Department of Zoology.
Office Order Reg Submission of Semester Fee for the Current Even Semester.
Academic Calendar for academic year 2023-24.
Notice reg. Open PhD Viva-Voce of Swarupananda Chatterjee(MGCU2020ENGL6007).
Notice reg. Open Phd Viva-Voce of Rahul Mishra(MGCU2019ENGL6004), Department of English.
Advertisement for the Recruitment of CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I under UGC-DAE CSR Project
Application proforma for CRS Project Fellow (Junior)-I
Extension of Date of Registration for Common University Entrance Test [CUET (UG)] - 2024.
List of candidates called for the interview for the post of Project Technical Support-III (temporary position).
Notice reg. open Ph D Viva-voce of Jayant Tomar, Department of English.
Notice reg. open Ph D Viva Voce of Ms. Mahima Kashyap, Department of English.
Notice reg. Ph.D Viva Voce of Mr. Alok Chandra, Research Scholar, Department of Political Science.
Notice reg. open viva-voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD scholar Mr. Raushan Kumar (MGCU2019MGMT6004) of the Department of Management Sciences.
National Seminar on " Imagining Gandhian Philosophy of Social Change in Viksit Bharat: challenges and Prospects.
National Seminar on Viksit Bharat @2047: A Pathway to Ramrajya from 19-20 March, 2024
Tender No. MGCU/Tender/01/2024 dated 13th March 2024 reg. Hiring of Vehicle (Last Date: 3rd April 2024 by 05:00 PM)
Advt. No.: MGCU/2024/R/NT/01 dated 13th March 2024 - Advertisement for Recruitment to the post of First Finance Officer (Last Date: 12th April 2024)
Hands-On-Training on DFT Modelling of Materials for different applications.
Notice regarding open viva-voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD scholar Ms. Ankita Kumari(MGCU2019MGMT6001) of Department of Management Sciences.
Notice reg. open Pre-Ph.D. seminar of Mr. ARUN KUMAR(MGCU2019SWRK6002) and Ms.Muskan Bharti(MGCU2019SWRK6005), Department of Social Work.
Notice reg. Ph. D. Viva Voce of Mr. Ashutosh Sharan , Research Scholar, Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies.
Notice reg. Pre PhD seminar of scholars in department of Media Studies.
National Conference on Digital and Technological Advancement for Sustainable Libraries from March 20-21, 2024.
Notice reg. Pre Ph.D open Seminar of Suparna Sen, Department of Sanskrit.
International Conference on Advances in Mathematical Sciences (ICAMS-2024), March 19-20, 2024.
Advertisement for the Post of Project Technical Support-III for an ICMR sponsored project at Department of Chemistry; Last Date for submission of application is 23.03.2024.
Notice reg. Pre PhD seminar of Mr Yashvant Kashyap, Department of Chemistry to be held on 05.03.2024.
Advertisement for Project Staff under ICSSR funded Project Staff under the Department of Political Science.
Notice regarding Open Viva voce of Ms. Savita Kumari (MGCU2019EDUC6007) (pertaining to Ph.D. degree) of the Department of Educational Studies.
Notice reg. Open Ph.D Viva Voce of Mr. Ashutosh Anand(MGCU2019POLS6003), Department of Political science.
Notice for open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD Research Scholar, Mr. Souvik Acharya, E/No.MGCU2020DOMS6007 in the Department of Media Studies.
Notice reg. Open PhD viva-voce of Manish Kumar Bharti(MGCU2019HIND6004), Department of Hindi.
Notice reg. open PhD Viva-voce of Mr. Anuj Kumar (MGCU2019SNKT6001), Department of Sanskrit.
Notice reg. open PhD viva-voce of Ritesh kumar singh(MGCU2019ENGL6005), Department of English.
Notice reg. Open Viva Voce of Mr. Avneesh Kumar (Ph.D Scholar) E/No. MGCU2019 CMRC6001, Department of Commerce, MGCUB
International Conference on Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences (RTCS-2024) on February 28-29, 2024
Notice reg. Pre-Phd Seminar of Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, Department of Political Science.
Notice for open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. Degree) of PhD Research Scholar, Mr. Chandan Veer, E/No.MGCU2019MGMT6002 in the Department of Management Sciences.
Public Notice dated 16th February 2024 issued by National Testing Agency, Delhi regarding Syllabus and Tentative Dates of Stage II Written Examination (Descriptive Type) to be conducted by NTA for various Non-Teaching Positions [Group - 'B' & 'C'].
Notice reg. open Viva-Voce (Pertaining to Ph.D. degree) for Mr. Azharuddin Mohammad Mussaiyib (MGCU2019ECON6001), Department Of Economics.
Notice reg. Open Viva-voce of Mr. Virendra Kumar Gandhi for the award of PhD degree in Gandhian and Peace Studies.
Office Order reg. Updated Fee Structure of various programmes of studies.
National Seminar on Sustainable Business Practices: Integrating Environmental and Social Well-Being through Blended Mode on February 29, 2024.
Notice reg. open Pre-Ph.D. seminar for Mr Vishesh Mishra(MGCU2019ECON6004), Department of Economics.
Extension of date of registration for CUET (PG) - 2024.
Notice reg. Conduction of End-Semester Examinations of Odd Semester (Semester-I, III, V & VII) of various UG/PG Programmes & Back Paper Examinations (Semester-I, III, V &VII).
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Mrs. Alokita Vishal, Department of Educational Studies.
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D. Seminar of Ms.Savita Kumari, Department of Educational Studies.
University Athletic Fest “Umang-2024” will be held from 25 to 29th January 2024.
Notice reg. Pre-Ph.D Seminar of Mr. Mukesh Shekhar, Department of Physics.
Notice reg. Pre PhD seminar of Mr Alok Chandra , Department of Political Science to be held on 19.01.2024
Notice reg. Ideas for the Vision "Viksit Bharat @2047: Voice of Youth". (Dated 12.01.2024)
Notice regarding submission of fee for the Current Odd semester.
Notice reg. Pre- Ph.D Seminar of Manish Kumar and Santosh Kumar of department of commerce.
Advertisement for Research Assistant under the project sponsored by ICPR.
Public Notice dated 2nd January 2024 issued by National Testing Agency (NTA) reg. Stage I (Objective Type) Computer Based Test (CBT) to be conducted by NTA on 25th January 2024, for recruitment to various Non-Teaching Posts (Group - 'B' and 'C') in six different Central Universities.
Notice reg.Pre- Ph D Seminar of Mahima Kashyap, Rahul Mishra, and Wakil Kumar Yadav of Department of English on 10th January.
Pre-Ph D Seminar in Department of English on 11th January.
Admissions in PG Programmes through CUET (P.G)-2024
Extension of Last Date (upto 26th December 2023 by 23:50 hrs) for submission of Online Applications for various Non-Teaching Positions (Group - ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’) through National Testing Agency (NTA) [Ref.: Advertisement No. MGCU/R/NT/2023/02 dated 1st December 2023]
Information Bulletin: Online Applications are invited for various Non-Teaching Positions (Group - ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’) through National Testing Agency (NTA) [Ref.: Advertisement No. MGCU/R/NT/2023/02 dated 1st December 2023]
Corrigendum No. 1 dated 2nd December 2023 reg. Two posts of General Medical Officer (one Male and One Female) stands withdrawn [Ref.: Advt. No.: MGCU/2023/R/NT/01 dated 1st December 2023]
Corrigendum No. 1 dated 2nd December 2023 reg. Extension of Last Date for Submission of Application for various Teaching Positions through Online Mode on CU-Chayan Portal
CU Chayan User Manual for the Teaching Applications
Corrigendum reg. Change of Date of Walk-in-Interview for the post of Hindi Officer to be filled up on Contract basis.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the Pt. MMM School of Commerce & Management Sciences.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the School of Social Sciences.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the School of Humanities & Languages.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the School of Education.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the School of Computational Sciences, Information & Communication Technology.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the School of Physical Sciences.
Advertisement for recruitment to teaching position(s) under the School of Life Sciences.
Recruitment of Private Secretary on Contract basis [Employment Notice No. 002/2023 dated 31.10.2023]
Walk-in-Interview for the post of Hindi Officer to be filled up on Contract basis [Employment Notice No. 001/2023 dated 31.10.2023]
Result of the interview for the project assistants posts (2) for SERB-DST research project in Department of Chemistry.
Corrigendum regarding the Advertisement posted for the post of Project assistants (02) under DST-SERB Project in the Department of Chemistry.
Provisional List of Selected Candidates and Waitlisted Candidates of Project Staff for ICSSR funded Minor Project 2022
Advertisement for the Recruitment of Project Assistants in DST-SERB Sponsored Major Research Project (Contact Charged Surfaces for Driving Useful Surface Chemical Reactions), Department of Chemistry, MGCUB
Extension of Date of Registration for Common University Entrance Test [CUET (UG)] - 2024.
Notice reg. Open Pre-PhD Seminar in Department of Sanskrit.
Notice reg. Pre-PhD Seminar of Manish Kumar Bharti, Dept. of Hindi.
Book selection format.
Notice reg. Open Pre-PhD Seminar of Ritesh Kumar Sigh, Dept. of English.
Invitation for Book Exhibition (21-22 December, 2023) for Registered Vendors only.
Notice reg. Pre- Ph.D Seminar (Ms. Bhavana Sharma) of Department of Political Science.
Notice regarding Pre Ph.D. Seminar of Department of Media Studies.
Notice of Pre- Ph.D Seminar (Ashutosh Anand) Political Science.
Notice regarding Pre Ph.D. Seminar of Department of Commerce.
Notice regarding Pre Ph.D. Seminar of Department of Management Sciences.
Notice for the open Pre-Ph.D. seminar for Mr.Ashutosh Sharan(MGCU2019GNPS6002) and Mr.Virendra Gandhi(MGCU2019GNPS6001).
Notice for the open Pre-Ph.D. seminar for Mr. AZHARUDDIN MOHAMMAD MUSSAIYIB (Enrollment No.: MGCU2019ECON6001)
Allocation of Enrolment Number of Remaining Students (PG & UG Programmes (Session - 2023-24))
Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant.
Notice reg. Updated information pertaining to 1st Convocation of the University.
Notice reg. Conduction of End-Semester Examinations of Even Semester (Semester-II) of various UG/PG & Back Paper Examinations(Semester-II).
Notification reg. refund of Convocation Fee.
Registration Link for the First Convocation 2023:
Notification reg. First Convocation of the University. (Dated 04.10.2023)
Tender for Printing and Installation of Flex/Banner etc. for 1st convocation of the University.
Tender for Flower Decoration on the occasion of 1st convocation of the University.
Tender for Printing and Supply of Invitation Card, Souvenir & University’s Report for 1st convocation of the University.
Tender for Supply of Tent House Services and Lighting Services for 1st convocation of the University.
Tender for Catering Services for 1st convocation of the University.
Notice reg. Gandhi Jayanti and 7th Foundation Day celebration.
Circular reg. Ek Tareekh Ek Ghanta Campaign.(Dated 29.09.2023)
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers (PG Programmes, Academic Session: 2023-24).
Notice reg. Semester Fees deposit up to the Academic Session 2022-2023.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers (UG Programmes, Academic Session: 2023-24).
Notice regarding Two days National Seminar organize by Department of Political Science.
Notification for Opening of Tender documents for empanelment of vendors for supply of print books.
Registration Form for Two days National Seminar on One Nation One Election: Prospects and Challenges.
Two days National Seminar on One Nation One Election: Prospects and Challenges organize by Department of Political Science, MGCUB
Kasturba Gandhi Women's Hostel Allotment List.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers to Ph. D. Scholars admitted in the department of Media Studies, Academic Year: 2021-22.
Corrigendum reg. Second Counselling- Cum- Admission Notice for B. Tech. programme.
Office order for CUET-UG-PG-2023 (for Open/Spot Admission).
Student Handbook for Academic year 2023-24.
MGCU Circular reg. Live Streaming of Chandrayaan - 3 Landing on the Moon. (Dated 23.08.2023)
Notice regarding DRC-Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies.
MGCU Circular reg. Programme being organised by the University for its students and faculty members on 17th August 2023 at 11:00 AM at Mahatma Buddha Parisar. (Dated 14.08.2023)
Notice reg. Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of “77th Independence Day” on 15th August 2023 (Tuesday) at Gandhi Bhawan, Bankat.
Notices reg. Flag Hoisting Ceremony on 15.08.2023 at different Campuses of the University.
MGCU Corrigendum No. 3 dated 10.08.2023 reg. Extension of Last Date for receipt of Tender w.r.t. Hiring of Building.
Corrigendum No. 1 reg. Extension of Last Date w.r.t Notice dated 21.06.2023 reg. Empanelment of Advocates and law Firms.
Public auction notice for old newspapers.
Details of students (441) eligible for Degree Certificates & Grade Sheets
The shortlisted candidates of participating in the ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Course, organized by the Department of Political Science, MGCU Bihar.
Corrigendum No. 2 dated 28.07.2023 reg. extension of last date for submission of tender [Tender No. MGCU/Tender/02/2023 dated 13.06.2023] reg. Hiring of buildings [Last Date: 10th August 2023 by 05:00 PM].
Corrigendum No. 4 dated 28.07.2023 reg. extension of last date for submission of tender [Tender No. MGCU/Tender/01/2023 dated 18.05.2023] reg. Hiring of vehicles [Last Date: 16th August 2023 by 05:00 PM].
Expression of Interest (EOI) dated 28.07.2023 reg. Empanelment of Vendors for Supply of Books to Central Library of MGCU [Last Date: 19th August 2023 by 05:00 PM]
Notice Regarding updation of Semester Fee Deposition.(Dated: 25.07.2023)
Notice of Flying Squad (Letter No.1704).
Call for Registration and Application form of Ten Days Research Methodology Course.
Ten Days Research Methodology Course organizing by Department of Political Science, MGCUB (7th to 17th August 2023).
Admission Notification (Under Graduate Programmes), Academic Session: 2023-24.
Register Now
Corrigendum reg. Extension of last date for receipt of Tender document (Tender No. - MGCU/Tender/02/2023 dated 13.06.2023) w.r.t. Hiring of Buildings.(Dated 13.07.2023)
Corrigendum reg. MGCU Tender No. MGCU/Tender/01/2023 dated 18.05.2023 w.r.t. Hiring of Vehicles.(Dated 13.07.2023)
Conduction of End-Semester Examinations of Even Semester of various UG & PG Programmes.
Grade Sheets of U.G. Programmes (Batch 2017-20).
Student's Grievances on the details of Degree Certificates & Grade Sheets (Master Chart UG & PG)
Student's Grievances on the details of Degree Certificates & Grade Sheets (Final Chart UG & PG)
Student's Grievances on the details of Degree Certificates & Grade Sheets (Master & Final Chart M. Phil)
Student's Grievances on the details of Degree Certificates & Grade Sheets.
Notice Regarding extension of date for deposition of Even Semester Fee (Academic Session 2022-2023).
Notice Inviting Application for Empanelment of Advocates/Law Firms [Last Date: 13th July 2023]
Entries (Books) invited for 'Gandhian Thinker Braj Kishore Singh Annual Award' for the Years 2021 and 2022
Registration form for Participation in Hands-on Training on Techniques in Molecular Biology.
Tender Document for Hiring of Buildings for MGCU to run its Hostel, Academic and Administrative Activities.
Corrigendum dated 7th June 2023 regarding Extension of last date for receipt of tender document w.r.t Hiring of Vehicles, upto 22nd June 2023 [upto 5:00 PM]
MGCU Tender No. MGCU/Tender/01/2023 dated 18.05.2023 w.r.t. Hiring of Vehicles
Notice regarding submission of fee of the current Even Semester.
Notice reg. Conduction of End Semester Examination of Odd Semester of various UG & PG Programmes (ESE-April 2023).
Notice related to End Semester Examination, April 2023.
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers to PG students (Academic Session: 2022-2023).
Notice related to End Semester Course Work Examination (Semester I) for the Ph. D. scholars/students admitted with respect to the Academic Session: 2021-2022
Poster competition on the occasion of the 'World Cancer Day'
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers of Remaining Students (B.Tech. (CSE) & B.LI.Sc.)
Notice reg. Conduction of End-Semester Examinations of Odd Semester of various UG & PG Programmes
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers (PG Programmes, Academic Session-2022-2023)
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers to UG Students (Academic Session 2022-2023)
Awareness program on “Start-up initiative” under the banner of Start-up policy initiative, Government of Bihar on December 27
Notice regarding extension of date for deposition of semester fee.
Provisional List of Allotment-Kasturba Gandhi Womens Hostel-MGCUB (Session 2022-23)
Time Table of M.Tech CSE Sem-I (w.e.f. 13/12/2022)
Walk- In- Interview for Guest Faculty in various Teaching Departments
Corrigendum- Commencement of classes of UG and PG program of newly admitted Students of the academic year 2022-23.
Notice reg. DRC Meeting in the Dept of Gandhian and Peace Studies
Notice regarding submission of fee of odd Semester.
Office order regarding time table of providing transportation facilities to the Student of the university
Commencement of classes of UG/ PG programmes of newly admitted Students of the academic year 2022-23
Application Form For Allotment Of Girls Hostel
Notice for Admission to KASTURBA GANDHI WOMENS’ Hostel (For students admitted In the Academic Year 2022-23)
Admission of Post Graduate Programmes (Academic Session: 2022-2023)
Admission notification (Under Graduate Programmes), Academic Session: 2022-2023
Allocation of Enrolment Numbers to Ph. D. scholars admitted in different programmes of studies in Academic Year 2021-2022
Declaration of Results of Speech Competition
Declaration of Results of Essay Writing Competition
Students' Grievances on the details of Degree Certificate & Grade Sheets
Extension of Last Date for Submission of Online Application Form for Common University Entrance Test (CUET-PG_2022) by NTA
Counselling -cum- Admission Notice for Ph.D admission (Academic Session 2021-22) of Commerce Department of MGCU.
Provisional Merit List of Ph.D. Programme (Department of Hindi) Session 2021-22.
Provisional Merit List for Counselling-cum-Admission to Ph. D. Programme (Department of Management Sciences) session 2021-2022.
Provisional Merit List of Ph. D. Programme (Department of English) session 2021-2022.
Provisional Merit List of Ph. D. Programme (Department of Political Science) session 2021-2022.
Result for admission in Ph. D. Programme (Department of Sociology) session 2021-2022.
Extension of Last Date for Submission of Online Application Form for Common University Entrance Test (CUET-PG_2022) by NTA
Final Merit List of Ph. D. Programme (Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies) session 2021-2022.
Notice dated 07.07.2022 regarding Interview-cum-admission interaction for Ph.D. (Computer Science) at MGCU to be held on 18.07.2022
INTERVIEW/ VIVA-VOCE -CUM- ADMISSION NOTICE for Ph.D admission (Academic Session 2021-22) of Commerce Department of MGCU
Notice of Admission and Merit List of Ph.D Programme (Department of Sanskrit) Session 2021-2022
Merit List of Ph. D. Programme (Department of Educational Studies) session 2021-2022
Notice regarding Fake Number
Office order reg. constitute a Committee for adoption of the online courses through SWAYAM platform
Notification dated 16th June 2022 reg. Guidelines for Utilization & Settlement of Imprest Money
Admission to PG courses at MGCUB in 2018-19 session Apply Online (CLOSED)
Notice regarding re-opening of University post sine die
University closed sine die keeping in view the prevailing situations at MGCU
Notice dated 03.06.2018 regarding Postponement of Walk-in-Interview for the post of Medical Officer (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 003/2018)
Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Medical Officer (One Female and One Male) on 4th June 2018 at 2:00 PM (Employment Notice No. 003 of 2018)
Schedule of End-Semester Examinations, June 2018
List of "F" Grade Awarded Students (Academic Year 2016-17, Semester-II)
Cancellation Notice dated 15.05.2018: Cancellation of Employment Notice No. 001/2017 dated 6th June 2017 - Non-Teaching and other Academic Positions
Schedule of Written Examination / Selection Committee Meeting for various Non-Teaching Positions (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001/2017)
Walk-in-Interview for the posts of Assistant Professor in English on 22.04.2018. [Detailed Advertisement] || [Application Form]
Mid-Semester Examination Schedule-2018
Tender for Engagement of Chartered Accountant Firm
Corrigendum No. 1 regarding Extension of Last Date of Receipt of Application for the post of Financial Consultant (Ref. Employment Notice No. 001/2018)
Important Notice Regarding Mid-Semester theory and Practical Examination
Advertisement for Engagement of Financial Consultant on Contract basis
Advertisement for JRF/Project Assistant position in SERB-DST sponsored Project in the Department of Chemistry ( Last date of application extended upto5th February 2018)
Advertisement for JRF/Project Assistant position in SERB-DST sponsored Project in the Department of Chemistry
Final Schedule of End-Semester Examinations 2017" dated 14th December 2017
Important: Notification regarding End semester Practical and Theory Examinations dated 01.12.2017
Schedule of Mid-Semester UG & PG Examinations October 2017
"Important Notice regarding Admit Cards for Written Examination/Selection Committee Meeting of Non-Teaching Positions (LDC/UDC/Assistant Registrar/System Analyst) - (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017 dated 6th June 2017)
Important Notice: All the candidates appearing in written examination for Non-Teaching Positions (LDC/UDC/Assistant Registrar/System Analyst) please note that due to some technical problem, Hall Tickets / Admit Cards will be available on the university website w.e.f. 3rd October 2017 (6:00 PM) onwards only. Inconvenience is regretted
Corrigendum No. 5 reg. Change of Date and Time of Written Examination for the post of Assistant Registrar and System Analyst and change of date of downloading of Hall Ticket (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017)
Date, Time and Venue of Written Examination/Selection Committee Meeting of Non-Teaching Positions (LDC/UDC/Assistant Registrar/System Analyst) - (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017 dated 6th June 2017)
Result of Written Examination held on 9th & 10th September 2017 for various Non-Teaching Positions (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001/2017)
1. Assistant Engineer (Civil)
2. Section Officer
3. Private Secretary
4. Assistant
5. Personal Assistant
Third waiting list for admission to PG programmes (2017-18)
Fourth waiting list for admission to UG programmes (2017-18)
Important notice for admission in UG/ PG programmes 2017-18 (Flood affected candidates)
Second Waiting List of candidates for admission to various PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (MET 2017)
Date Time and Venue of Written Examination of NT Positions - Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017
Updated Advertisement as on 01.07.2017 - Non-Teaching Positions - Employment Notice No. 001 - 2017 dated 06.06.2017
Third & Final Waiting List of candidates for admission to various UG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (GET - 2017)
First Waiting List of candidates for admission to various PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (MET - 2017)
Second Waiting List of candidates selected for various UG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (GET 2017)
Final Merit List of candidates selected for PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (MET 2017)
Provisional Merit List for admission to PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 through MET - 2017
Pattern and Syllabus of Written Examination for various Non-Teaching Positions: Addendum dated 2nd August 2017 to Employment Notice No. 001/2017
First Waiting List for admission to various Under Graduate (UG) Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18
Provisional Merit List for admission to various UG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18.
Corrigendum No. 4: Extension of Last Date of receipt of Online Application for the post of LDC (i.e., upto 31st July 2017
Marks Scored by Candidates in written Examination (GET / MET-2017)
Notice for candidates who are unable to download their admit cards for GET/MET 2017
Admit card for Entrance Examination (GET&MET)
Date, Time, Venue and Important Instructions for Candidates appearing in GET & MET 2017 scheduled to be held on 23.07.2017
Schedule of Interview and Important Information to the applicants for the post of Professor & Associate Professor (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001/2017 dated 6th June 2017)
Prospectus: Admission to various UG and PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (Last Date: 13th July 2017).
Notice inviting Tender for Furniture, Last Date:27-06-2017 (03:00 PM)
Employment Notice No. 001/2017 dated 6th June 2017: Advertisement for various Teaching & Non-Teaching Positions
Tender for Printing work : Corrigendum & Extension of Submission Date, Revised Last Date: 30th May 2017 till 3:00 PM
Invitation of proposals from Chartered Accountant Firms, Last Date: 30.05.2017, 5 PM
Tender for Printing work : Corrigendum & Extension of Submission Date , Revised Last Date: 23rd May, 2017 till 3.00 P.M
TO RUN ITS ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES, Last Date:29th May, 2017 (3:00 PM)
Corrigendum & Extension of Tender Submission Date, Last Date: 11 May, 2017, 3 pm
Extension of Last Date of Submission of Tender Document to 6th May 2017 till 3.00 PM
(Ref.: Tender for Printing of University Prospectus, Annual Report, Journals, Magazines & Brochures)
Notice inviting tenders for Hiring Vehicles, Last Date: 10.05.2017
Champaran Centenary Celebrations at MGCUB
Inviting Quotations for Celebrations of Centenary of Champaran Satyagraha in Motihari organised by MGCUB
Re-advertisement of the EoI for publication work, Last date: 24th March, 2017.
Final Schedule of End-Semester Examinations 2017" dated 14th December 2017
"Important Notice regarding Admit Cards for Written Examination/Selection Committee Meeting of Non-Teaching Positions (LDC/UDC/Assistant Registrar/System Analyst) - (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017 dated 6th June 2017)
Corrigendum No. 5 reg. Change of Date and Time of Written Examination for the post of Assistant Registrar and System Analyst and change of date of downloading of Hall Ticket (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017)
Date, Time and Venue of Written Examination/Selection Committee Meeting of Non-Teaching Positions (LDC/UDC/Assistant Registrar/System Analyst) - (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001 of 2017 dated 6th June 2017)
Third waiting list for admission to PG programmes (2017-18)
Fourth waiting list for admission to UG programmes (2017-18)
Important notice for admission in UG/ PG programmes 2017-18 (Flood affected candidates)
Second Waiting List of candidates for admission to various PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (MET 2017)
Third & Final Waiting List of candidates for admission to various UG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (GET - 2017)
First Waiting List of candidates for admission to various PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (MET - 2017)
Pattern and Syllabus of Written Examination for various Non-Teaching Positions: Addendum dated 2nd August 2017 to Employment Notice No. 001/2017
Marks Scored by Candidates in written Examination (GET / MET-2017)
Schedule of Interview and Important Information to the applicants for the post of Professor & Associate Professor (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 001/2017 dated 6th June 2017)
Prospectus: Admission to various UG and PG Programmes for Academic Session 2017-18 (Last Date: 13th July 2017).
Notice inviting Tender for Furniture, Last Date:27-06-2017 (03:00 PM)
Employment Notice No. 001/2017 dated 6th June 2017: Advertisement for various Teaching & Non-Teaching Positions
Tender for Printing work : Corrigendum & Extension of Submission Date, Revised Last Date: 30th May 2017 till 3:00 PM
Invitation of proposals from Chartered Accountant Firms, Last Date: 30.05.2017, 5 PM
Tender for Printing work : Corrigendum & Extension of Submission Date , Revised Last Date: 23rd May, 2017 till 3.00 P.M
Notice inviting tenders for Hiring Vehicles, Last Date: 10.05.2017
Champaran Centenary Celebrations at MGCUB
Re-advertisement of the EoI for publication work, Last date: 24th March, 2017.
Corrigendum dated 24.01.2017 regarding extension of last date for submission of entries for Logo Design Competition Click here to Apply
Free Dental CheckUp Camp & Oral Health Awareness on 13/1/2016
Corrigendum dated 20.12.2016 reg. Extension of Last Date for submission of Tender Document for Running of Canteen at MGCU, Bihar
Notice Inviting Quotations for Running of Canteen at MGCUB (Ref.: MGCU/Canteen/2016-17 dated 3rd December, 2016) (Last Date: 20th December, 2016)
Free Dental CheckUp Camp & Oral Health Awareness on 13/1/2016
Corrigendum dated 20.12.2016 reg. Extension of Last Date for submission of Tender Document for Running of Canteen at MGCU, Bihar
Notice Inviting Quotations for Running of Canteen at MGCUB (Ref.: MGCU/Canteen/2016-17 dated 3rd December, 2016) (Last Date: 20th December, 2016)
Notice Inviting Tender for Furniture and Miscellaneous Items (Ref.: MGCU/S&P/Admin/Tender/2016-17 dated 01st December, 2016) (Last Date: 20th December, 2016)
List of Eligible and Not-Eligible candidates for the post of PROFESSOR in various disciplines - dated 20.10.2016
List of Eligible and Not-Eligible candidates for the post of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR in various disciplines - dated 20.10.2016
Academic Performance Index (API) Eligibility Calculator
Date, Time and Venue of Selection Committee Meeting for various Teaching Positions (dated 19.10.2016)
List of candidates short-listed for Interview for the post of Assistant Professor in Five Teaching Departments (Ref.: Employment Notice No. 003/2016 dated 05.07.2016)
Computer Science & Information Technology
Sealed Quotations are invited from reputed transporters for hiring of vehicles Innova/Indigo/Xylo/Tempo Traveler/Bus/Lorry etc. on Monthly/Daily/ Hourly basis for meeting the official needs of the university.
Inaugural Function of First Academic Session of the University on 4th October, 2016 at 11:30 AM
Inviting Quotation for the Inaugural Function of the MGCU Bihar - Last Date: 1st October, 2016
Public Notice dated 15.08.2016 regarding Essay Competition on INDIA OF MY DREAMS (Last Date - 26.09.2016)
First Provisional List for admission to various Undergraduate Programmes (UG) through Graduate Entrance Test (GET)
First Provisional List for admission to Postgraduate Programmes (PG) through Masters Entrance Test (MET)
Details of Marks scored by candidates in Graduate Entrance Test (GET) and Masters Entrance Test (MET) for admission to various UG and PG courses.
International Seminar on 'Past, Present and Future of Indology: Challenges & Prospects' to be held on September 8-9, 2016
Public Notice reg. Extension of date of declaration of results of Graduate Entrance Test (GET) and Masters Entrance Test (MET)
Download Admit Card/Hall Ticket for Graduate & Masters Entrance Test (GET & MET 2016) scheduled to be held on 14.08.2016
List of candidates called for Written Examination scheduled to be held on 13.08.2016 for the post of Assistant Professor in various disciplines
Corrigendum to Employment Notice No. 003/2016 dated 05.07.2016 reg. Extension of last date of receipt of applications for Teaching Positions
Syllabus of Written Examination for the post of Assistant Professor in various Disciplines (Ref. Addendum to Employment Notice No. 003/2016 dated 05.07.2016)
Computer Science
Political Science
Social Work
Corrigendum dated 25.07.2016 regarding extension of last date for submission of entries for Logo Design Competition
Corrigendum dated 21.07.2016 reg. Extension of Last Date for
submission of Tender for Hiring of Building for MGCU Bihar to run its Academic Activities
Addendum to Employment Notice No. 003/2016 dated 05.07.2016 - reg. DATE, TIME and VENUE of Written Examination for the post of Assistant Professor in various disciplines
Employment Notice No. 003/2016 dated 5th July, 2016: Advertisement for various teaching positions (Last Date: 5th August, 2016)
Admission to various UG and PG Programmes in Academic Session 2016-17 (Last Date: 7th (Online) / 8th (Offline) August, 2016).
Apply Now
NOTICE dated 08.07.2016: Advertisement for Faculty Positions (Ref: Employment Notice No. 003/2016 dated 05.07.2016)
Employment Notice No. 002/2016 dated 16.06.2016 reg. filling up the post of OSD (Finance) on Deputation / Contract basis. Last Date- 08-07-2016.
Appeal to General Public w.r.t. Illegal activity of causing damage to the land and trees in the proposed land of MGCU Bihar.
LOGO Design Competition of MGCU Bihar. Date Extended upto 31-05-2016.
Corrigendum dated 10.05.2016 reg. Extension of Last Date for submission of Tender for Hiring of Building for MGCU Bihar to run its Academic and Administrative Activities.
List of Candidates selected for various Non-Teaching Positions (Ref: Employment Notice No. 001/2016 dated 22.03.2016).
Result of Written Examination for various Non-Teaching Positions held on 30.04.2016 (Ref: Employment Notice No. 001/2016 dated 22.03.2016).
Venue of Written Examination and Interview for various Non-Teaching Positions scheduled to be held on 30.04.2016.
DATE, TIME and VENUE of Interview / Written Examination for various Non-Teaching Positions (Ref: Employment Notice No. 001/2016 dated 22.03.2016)
Tender No. 002/2016 dated 27.04.2016 for Hiring of Building for MGCU Bihar to run its Academic and Administrative Activities.
Tender Notice for Inviting EOI for Deployment of Security Personnel & others.
Corrigendum to Employment Notice No. 001/2016 dated 22.03.2016: Extension of Last Date for submission of Online Applications.
Addendum to Employment Notice No. 001/2016 dated 22.03.2016.
Prof. Arvind Agrawal joined MGCUB as First Vice-Chancellor on 03-02-2016.
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